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Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 34: e200283, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250805


ABSTRACT Objective The present study assessed the differences in nutritional markers (albumin, transferrin, total body fat, and body mass index) and clinical complications (diarrhea, vomiting, and diet interruptions) associated with enteral nutrition. Methods This is an open-label, randomized, two-arm parallel-group controlled clinical trial. Out of 105 patients assessed for eligibility, 35 adult patients were randomly divided into two groups and followed for 28 days. The sample comprised a heterogeneous group of severely ill individuals initially treated in the intensive care units. Neurological conditions (i.e., strokes and brain tumours) were the most common reasons for hospitalization. Patients had one singularity: the clinical need for exclusive enteral nutrition therapy. One group received the diet via gastric tube and the other via a post-pyloric tube. Results The groups presented increases in the calories prescribed and administered, as well as reduced diet discontinuation. Although similar values were observed up to day 21, the post-pyloric group showed increased albumin levels compared to the gastric group on Day 28. Transferrin levels increased over time in both groups. Conclusion There were no differences in the complications recorded between groups, albeit serum albumin significantly increased in the post-pyloric group.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar diferenças tanto nos marcadores nutricionais (albumina, transferrina, gordura corporal e índice de massa corporal) quanto nas complicações clínicas (diarreia, vômitos e interrupções na dieta) associadas à nutrição enteral administrada através de duas vias tradicionais. Métodos Este é um ensaio clínico de tratamento, paralelo de dois braços, aberto e randomizado controlado. Dos 105 participantes avaliados para elegibilidade, 35 pacientes adultos foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos e seguidos por 28 dias. A amostra foi formada por um grupo heterogêneo e gravemente enfermo, tratados inicialmente em unidades de terapia intensiva. Condições neurológicas, como acidente vascular e tumores cerebrais foram as razões principais para hospitalização. Os pacientes tinham em comum um aspecto, a saber, a necessidade clínica exclusiva de receber nutrição enteral. Um grupo recebeu a dieta via sonda gástrica e o outro através de sonda pós-pilórica. Resultados Os grupos apresentaram aumento de calorias prescritas e administradas, bem como redução da descontinuação da dieta. Embora valores semelhantes tenham sido observados até o 21° dia, o grupo pós-pilórico apresentou aumento dos níveis de albumina em relação ao grupo gástrico no dia 28. Os níveis de transferrina aumentaram ao longo do tempo em ambos os grupos. Conclusão Não houve diferenças nas complicações registradas entre os grupos, embora níveis séricos de albumina aumentaram significativamente no grupo pós-pilórico.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Serum Albumin/analysis , Transferrin/analysis , Body Mass Index , Enteral Nutrition/methods , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Biomarkers/blood , Enteral Nutrition/adverse effects
REME rev. min. enferm ; 25: e1382, 2021. graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1340533


RESUMO Objetivo: relatar casos de cateteres nasoenterais mal posicionados, após inserção às cegas à beira leito. Método: são apresentados três casos, os quais ocorreram em uma instituição hospitalar localizada no estado de São Paulo. Os cateteres foram inseridos pelo enfermeiro conforme protocolo institucional, para posicionamento em nível entérico. Ausculta epigástrica e mensuração do pH foram os métodos empregados na confirmação do posicionamento dos cateteres e posteriormente foi realizado o exame de Raios-X, considerado exame de referência para confirmar o posicionamento de cateteres nasoenterais. Resultados: dos três cateteres mal posicionados, dois estavam com a extremidade distal projetada para a junção esofagogástrica e uma não foi visibilizada, apesar de a ausculta ter sido positiva e os valores de pH terem sido superiores a seis. Conclusão: os resultados revelaram importantes limitações de ambos os métodos na verificação do posicionamento de cateteres nasoenterais que foram inseridos recentemente às cegas à beira leito.

RESUMEN Objetivo: reportar casos de catéteres nasoenterales mal posicionados tras inserción ciega a pie de cama. Método: se presentan tres casos, ocurridos en un hospital ubicado en el estado de São Paulo. Los catéteres fueron insertados por el enfermero según protocolo institucional, para su colocación a nivel entérico. La auscultación epigástrica y la medición del pH fueron los métodos utilizados para confirmar la posición de los catéteres y posteriormente se realizó el examen de rayos X, considerado un examen de referencia para confirmar la posición de los catéteres nasoenterales. Resultados: de los tres catéteres mal posicionados, dos tenían el extremo distal proyectado a la unión esofagogástrica y uno no se visualizaba, a pesar de que la auscultación era positiva y los valores de pH superiores a seis. Conclusión: los resultados revelaron importantes limitaciones de ambos métodos para verificar la posición de los catéteres nasoenterales recientemente insertados a ciegas a la cabecera de la cama.

ABSTRACT Objective: to report cases of poorly positioned nasoenteral catheters after blind insertion at the bedside. Method: three cases are presented, which occurred in a hospital located in the state of São Paulo. The catheters were inserted by the nurse according to institutional protocol, for placement at the enteric level. Epigastric auscultation and pH measurement were the methods used to confirm the positioning of the catheters and subsequently the X-Ray exam was performed, considered a reference exam to confirm the positioning of nasoenteral catheters. Results: of the three poorly positioned catheters, two were with the distal end projected to the esophagogastric junction and one was not visualized, despite the auscultation being positive and the pH values being higher than six. Conclusion: the results revealed important limitations of both methods in verifying the positioning of nasoenteral catheters that were recently inserted blindly at the bedside.

Humans , Catheters , Patient Care , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , X-Rays , Enteral Nutrition , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 18: eAO4952, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056063


ABSTRACT Objective: To define physician´s behavior in the face of a mentally capable elderly dysphagic patients at risk of pulmonary aspiration, who do not accept oral restriction. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional study, presenting a clinical case of an independent elderly with clinical complaints of dysphagia and laryngotracheal aspiration by flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing who rejected the proposal to restrict oral diet. A questionnaire about the patient's decision-making process was used to assess whether the physician was sympathetic and justify their answer, and if they are aware of hierarchy of ethical principles (recognition of the person´s value, autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice), in the decision-making process, and which was the main principle that guided their decision. Results: One hundred participants were classified by time since graduation as Group I (less than 10 years) and Group II (more than 10 years). Of them, 60% agreed with the patient's decision, with no difference between the groups. The main reason was autonomy of patients, in both groups. Among those who were not sympathetic, the main argument was beneficence and nonmaleficence, considering the risk between benefit and harm. As to awareness about the hierarchy of principles, we did not find differences between the groups. Autonomy was the principle that guided those who were sympathetic with the patient's decision, and justice among those who didnot agree. Conclusion: Physicians were sympathetic with the patient's decision regarding autonomy, despite the balance between risks of beneficence and nonmaleficence, including death. We propose to formalize a non-compliance term.

RESUMO Objetivo: Definir o comportamento médico diante de paciente idoso disfágico com risco de aspiração laringotraqueal e mentalmente capaz que não aceita a restrição da via oral. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal. Apresentamos um caso clínico de idoso, que vive independente, com queixas clínicas e videoendoscopia da deglutição comprovando disfagia e aspiração, que recusou a proposta de restrição da via oral. Um questionário foi aplicado sobre o processo de decisão do paciente, procurando avaliar se o médico torna-se solidário, e que justifique sua resposta, e se tem ciência da hierarquia dos princípios éticos (reconhecimento do valor da pessoa, autonomia, beneficência, não maleficência e justiça), no processo de decisão e qual o principal princípio que norteia sua decisão. Resultados: Cem participantes foram classificados por tempo de formados em Grupo I (até 10 anos) e Grupo II (mais de 10 anos). Deles 60% tornaram-se solidários à decisão do paciente, sem diferença entre os grupos. O principal argumento foi a autonomia do paciente nos dois grupos. Entre os não solidários, foi o binômio beneficência e não maleficência, e o balanço do risco/benefício e malefício. Considerando a ciência sobre a hierarquia dos princípios que regem a decisão, não encontramos diferença entre eles. A autonomia foi o principal princípio na decisão entre os solidários e a justiça entre os não solidários. Conclusão: O médico foi solidário à decisão do paciente em respeito à sua autonomia, apesar dos riscos ponderados da beneficência e da maleficência, inclusive de morte. Propomos o termo de recusa de conduta formalizada.

Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data , Deglutition Disorders/complications , Treatment Refusal/statistics & numerical data , Respiratory Aspiration/etiology , Physician-Patient Relations , Time Factors , Gastrostomy/methods , Deglutition Disorders/prevention & control , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Gastroscopy/methods , Personal Autonomy , Respiratory Aspiration/prevention & control , Clinical Decision-Making , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 116(6): 402-408, dic. 2018. graf, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-973684


Objetivo. Eficacia de una intervención educativa para mejorar el conocimiento de las/os enfermeras/os sobre el sondaje gástrico en pediatría. Métodos. Estudio multicéntrico cuasi experimental pre- y postest mediante intervención educativa teórica basada en la evidencia bibliográfica y la evaluación de su eficacia a los 4 meses. Resultados. Cuestionarios entregados: 1019. Válidos: 557 (54,66 %) pretest, 246 (24,14 %) postest. Las respuestas pre- y postest fueron que el riesgo implícito que conllevaba siempre el procedimiento había sido percibido por el 53,2 % y aumentó al 70,7 % (p < 0,001). El 4,3 % elegía el tamaño de la sonda gástrica (SG) mediante tablas y se elevó al 24,6 % (p < 0,001). La longitud de la SG por introducir medida mediante el método nariz-oreja-distancia media xifoides-ombligo (nose-ear-mid-umbilicus; NEMU, por sus siglas en inglés) ascendió del 34,2 % al 81,3 % (p < 0,001). La comprobación de la ubicación de la SG previa a su uso pasó del 73,1 % al 86,5 % (p < 0,001). La comprobación de los cinco correctos (paciente, medicamento, dosis, vía y hora) previa a la utilización de la SG aumentó del 85,6 % al 91 %. Como métodos de comprobación, mejoró la percepción de inseguridad de la auscultación del 11,7 % al 31,1 % (p < 0,001), y disminuyó su uso del 95,1 % al 81,6 %. Creció la percepción de seguridad de la medición del pH gástrico del 71,3 % al 91,1 % (p < 0,001), y aumentó su uso del 7,6 % al 54,3 % (p < 0,001). Conclusiones. La intervención educativa resultó eficaz para incrementar el conocimiento de enfermería sobre el sondaje gástrico pediátrico.

Objective. To establish the effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve nurses' knowledge on pediatric nasogastric intubation. Methods. Multicenter, quasi-experimental, pre- and post-test study using a theoretical educational intervention based on bibliographic evidence and assessment of its effectiveness after 4 months. Results. Delivered questionnaires: 1019. Valid questionnaires: 557 (54.66 %) pre-test and 246 (24.14 %) post-test. Pre- and post-test answers indicated that the implied risk always entailed by the procedure had been perceived by 53.2 % and then increased to 70.7 % (p < 0.001). Nasogastric (NG) tube size was chosen using tables by 4.3 % of participants, and increased to 24.6 % (p < 0.001). The length of NG tube to be inserted as measured by the nose-ear-midumbilicus distance (NEMU) method increased from 34.2 % to 81.3 % (p < 0.001). Confirmation of NG tube placement prior to use increased from 73.1 % to 86.5 % (p < 0.001). Confirmation of the five rights (patient, drug, dosage, route, and timing) prior to NG tube use increased from 85.6 % to 91 %. In relation to confirmation methods, the perception that auscultation was unsafe improved from 11.7 % to 31.1 % (p < 0.001), and its use reduced from 95.1 % to 81.6 %. The perception that the measurement of gastric pH was safe increased from 71.3 % to 91.1 % (p < 0.001), and its use rose from 7.6 % to 54.3 % (p < 0.001). Conclusions. The educational intervention was effective to increase nurses' knowledge on pediatric nasogastric intubation.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Education, Nursing, Continuing/methods , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Educational Measurement , Gastric Juice/chemistry , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Nurses/standards
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 10(2): 299-309, abr.-jun. 2018.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-908444


Objective: to describe the scientific process of elaboration of an instrument in order to know the practice of preparation and administration of drugs via enteral feeding tube by nursing professionals in clinical adult inpatient units. Methods: Methodological study, the preparation of the instrument succeeded from the systematic and intentional search of texts in the Virtual Library in Health (BIREME) in April 2014. Results: Used seven studies from the literature review, resulting in an instrument with six questions about participants and 24 questions for the direct observation of the nursing team work. Conclusion: It is expected to contribute to the production of research on the administration of drugs via enteral feeding tube, which will serve to promote further discussions in health. In addition to these contributions, in the future, this study may help hospital institutions in developing guidelines and protocols, from the systematic observation of their workers.

Objetivo: descrever o processo científico de elaboração de um instrumento para conhecer a prática de preparo e administração de medicamentos via sonda por profissionais de enfermagem, em unidades de internação clínica adulto. Métodos: Estudo metodológico, cuja elaboração do instrumento ocorreu a partir da busca sistematizada e intencional de textos na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BIREME), em abril de 2014. Resultados: Utilizaram-se sete estudos provenientes da revisão de literatura, obtendo-se um instrumento com seis questões de caracterização dos participantes e 24 questões para a observação direta do trabalho da equipe de enfermagem. Conclusão: Espera-se contribuir para a produção de pesquisas a respeito de administração de medicamentos via sonda, que servirão para fomentar novos debates no campo da saúde. Além dessas contribuições, os resultados desse estudo poderão ajudar instituições hospitalares no desenvolvimento de guias e protocolos, futuramente, a partir da observação sistemática dos seus trabalhadores.

Objetivo: describir el proceso científico de desarrollar una herramienta para conocer la práctica de la preparación y administración de medicamentos a través de la sonda por profesionales de enfermería en las unidades de hospitalización de adultos clínica. Métodos: Estudio metodológico, la redacción de los cuales era el instrumento de la búsqueda sistemática y deliberada de los textos en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BIREME) en abril de 2014. Resultados: Se utilizaron siete estudios de la revisión de la literatura, la obtención de una instrumento con seis preguntas sobre los participantes y 24 preguntas para la observación directa del trabajo en equipo de enfermería. Conclusión: Se espera que contribuya a la producción de la investigación sobre la administración de fármacos a través de la sonda, que servirá para promover nuevos debates en el campo de la salud. Además de estas aportaciones, los resultados de este estudio pueden ayudar a los hospitales para desarrollar directrices y protocolos en el futuro, a partir de la observación sistemática de sus trabajadores.

Male , Female , Humans , Enteral Nutrition/methods , Enteral Nutrition/nursing , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/nursing , Medication Errors/nursing , Patient Safety , Brazil
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 67(6): 578-583, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897774


Abstract Background Nasogastric tube insertion may be difficult in anesthetized and intubated patients with head in the neutral position. Several techniques are available for the successful insertion of nasogastric tube. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the difference in the first attempt success rate of different techniques for insertion of nasogastric tube. Secondary aim was to investigate the difference of the duration of insertion using the selected technique, complications during insertion such as kinking and mucosal bleeding. Material and methods 200 adult patients, who received general anesthesia for elective abdominal surgeries that required nasogastric tube insertion, were randomized into four groups: Conventional group (Group C), head in the lateral position group (Group L), endotracheal tube assisted group (Group ET) and McGrath video laryngoscope group (Group MG). Success rates, duration of insertion and complications were noted. Results Success rates of nasogastric tube insertion in first attempt and overall were lower in Group C than Group ET and Group MG. Mean duration and total time for successful insertion of NG tube in first attempt were significantly longer in Group ET. Kinking was higher in Group C. Mucosal bleeding was statistically lower in Group MG. Conclusion Use of video laryngoscope and endotracheal tube assistance during NG tube insertion compared with conventional technique increase the success rate and reduce the kinking in anesthetized and intubated adult patients. Use of video laryngoscope during nasogastric tube insertion compared to other techniques reduces the mucosal bleeding in anesthetized and intubated adult patients.

Resumo Justificativa A inserção de sonda nasogástrica (NG) pode ser difícil em pacientes anestesiados e intubados com a cabeça em posição neutra. Há várias técnicas para a inserção bem-sucedida de sonda NG. O objetivo primário deste estudo foi investigar a diferença da taxa de sucesso na primeira tentativa de diferentes técnicas para inserção de sonda NG. O objetivo secundário foi investigar a diferença do tempo de inserção com o uso da técnica selecionada e as complicações durante a inserção (dobradura da sonda e sangramento da mucosa). Material e métodos 200 pacientes adultos que receberam anestesia geral para cirurgias abdominais eletivas que exigiam inserção de sonda NG foram randomicamente distribuídos em quatro grupos: grupo convencional (Grupo C), grupo com a cabeça posicionada lateralmente (Grupo L), grupo com assistência de tubo traqueal (Grupo TE) e grupo com videolaringoscópio McGrath (grupo MG). As taxas de sucesso, os tempos de inserção e as complicações foram registrados. Resultados As taxas de sucesso de inserção da sonda NG na primeira tentativa e em geral foram menores no Grupo C do que nos grupos TE e MG. As durações e os tempos totais de inserção bem-sucedida da sonda NG na primeira tentativa foram significativamente maiores no Grupo TE. Dobradura foi maior no Grupo C. Sangramento da mucosa foi estatisticamente menor no Grupo MG. Conclusão O uso de videolaringoscópio e de TE durante a inserção de sonda NG comparado com o uso da técnica convencional aumentou a taxa de sucesso e reduziu a dobradura da sonda em pacientes adultos anestesiados e intubados. O uso de videolaringoscópio durante a inserção de sonda NG em comparação com outras técnicas reduz o sangramento da mucosa em pacientes adultos anestesiados e intubados.

Humans , Male , Female , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Anesthesia , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/adverse effects , Intubation, Intratracheal , Laryngoscopy , Middle Aged
Rev. bras. enferm ; 70(2): 326-334, Mar.-Apr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-843636


ABSTRACT Objective: to know the time between indication and use of a nasoenteral tube (NET) and factors associated with delays. Method: A prospective cohort study that followed adults in a Brazilian emergency department, since the indication of the use of a NET, evaluating clinical variables and the work process. The Generalized Estimated Equations model was adopted to identify factors associated with the delays in each stage of the process. Results: the time between indication and use of NET was 573 (IQR: 3601,093) minutes, in 150 insertions of NET. Insertions in patients who previously did not use it; delays in the medical, nutrition, and nursing care routine; use of mechanical ventilation; noradrenaline; and fasting were factors for longer time before the use of the tube. Conclusion: the time between indication and use of NET was high, exceeding 10 hours in half of the cases. Factors related to the clinical condition of the patient and to the care management would contribute to delays.

RESUMEN Objetivo: conocer el tiempo entre indicación y uso de sonda nasogástrica (SNG) y factores asociados a demoras. Método: cohorte prospectivo que observó adultos en Servicio de Urgencia brasileño, desde indicación hasta uso de la SNG, evaluándose variables clínicas del proceso de trabajo. Se adoptó modelo de Ecuaciones de Estimación Generalizada para identificar factores asociados a demoras en cada etapa del proceso. Resultados: el tiempo entre indicación y uso de SNG fue 573 (IQR=360α1093) minutos, en 150 inserciones de SNG. Las inserciones en pacientes que no la utilizaban previamente, demoras en rutina de atención médica, de nutrición y enfermería, uso de ventilación mecánica, noradrenalina y ayuno, constituyeron factores de demora hasta uso de la sonda. Conclusión: el tiempo entre indicación y uso de SNG fue elevado, superando las 10 horas en mitad de los casos. Factores relacionados a condiciones clínicas del paciente y a gestión de atención contribuyeron a las demoras.

RESUMO Objetivo: conhecer o tempo entre indicação e uso da sonda nasoenteral (SNE) e fatores associados a atrasos. Método: coorte prospectiva que acompanhou adultos de uma Emergência brasileira, desde a indicação ao uso da SNE, avaliando-se variáveis clínicas e do processo de trabalho. Adotou-se o modelo de Equações de Estimações Generalizadas para identificar fatores associados a atrasos em cada etapa do processo. Resultados: o tempo entre indicação e uso da SNE foi 573 (IQR: 360-1093) minutos, em 150 inserções de SNE. Inserções em pacientes que anteriormente não a utilizavam, retardos na rotina assistencial médica, da nutrição e enfermagem, uso de ventilação mecânica, noradrenalina e jejum foram fatores para maior tempo até o uso da sonda. Conclusão: o tempo entre indicação e uso de SNE foi elevado, excedendo 10 horas em metade dos casos. Fatores relacionados às condições clínicas do paciente e à gestão da assistência contribuiriam para atrasos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Time Factors , Emergency Medical Services/methods , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/standards , Brazil , Multivariate Analysis , Prospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Emergency Medical Services/standards , Emergency Medical Services/organization & administration , Hospitals, University/organization & administration , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Middle Aged
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 25: e2908, 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-961141


ABSTRACT Objective: to investigate evidence in the literature on procedures for measuring gastric tube insertion in newborns and verifying its placement, using alternative procedures to radiological examination. Method: an integrative review of the literature carried out in the Cochrane, LILACS, CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE and Scopus databases using the descriptors "Intubation, gastrointestinal" and "newborns" in original articles. Results: seventeen publications were included and categorized as "measuring method" or "technique for verifying placement". Regarding measuring methods, the measurements of two morphological distances and the application of two formulas, one based on weight and another based on height, were found. Regarding the techniques for assessing placement, the following were found: electromagnetic tracing, diaphragm electrical activity, CO2 detection, indigo carmine solution, epigastrium auscultation, gastric secretion aspiration, color inspection, and evaluation of pH, enzymes and bilirubin. Conclusion: the measuring method using nose to earlobe to a point midway between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus measurement presents the best evidence. Equations based on weight and height need to be experimentally tested. The return of secretion into the tube aspiration, color assessment and secretion pH are reliable indicators to identify gastric tube placement, and are the currently indicated techniques.

RESUMO Objetivo: investigar, na literatura, evidências sobre procedimentos de mensuração da sonda gástrica em recém-nascidos e de verificação do seu posicionamento, procedimentos alternativos ao exame radiológico. Método: revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases Biblioteca Cochrane, LILACS, CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE e Scopus, utilizando os descritores "intubação gastrointestinal" e "recém-nascido" em artigos originais. Resultados: dezessete publicações foram incluídas e categorizadas em "método de mensuração" ou "técnica de verificação do posicionamento". Como métodos de mensuração, foram encontrados os de tomada de duas distâncias morfológicas e os de aplicação de duas fórmulas, uma baseada no peso e outra na altura. Para técnicas de verificação do posicionamento, encontrou-se traçado eletromagnético, atividade elétrica do diafragma, detecção de CO2, solução de índigo carmim, ausculta do epigástrio, aspiração de secreção gástrica, inspeção da cor, avaliação de pH, enzimas e bilirrubina. Conclusão: o método de mensuração que utiliza as medidas do nariz ao lóbulo da orelha ao ponto médio entre apêndice xifoide e cicatriz umbilical apresenta melhores evidências. As equações baseadas em peso e altura necessitam ser testadas experimentalmente. O retorno de secreção na aspiração da sonda, avaliação da cor e do pH da secreção são indicadores confiáveis na identificação do posicionamento da sonda gástrica, e são as técnicas atualmente indicadas.

RESUMEN Objetivo: investigar, en la literatura, evidencias sobre procedimientos de medición de la sonda gástrica en recién nacidos y de verificación de su posicionamiento, procedimientos alternativos al examen radiológico. Método: revisión integradora de la literatura en las bases Biblioteca Cochrane, LILACS, CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE y Scopus, utilizando los descriptores "intubación gastrointestinal" y "recién nacido" en artículos originales. Resultados: diecisiete publicaciones fueron incluidas y categorizadas en "método de medición" o "técnica de verificación del posicionamiento". Como métodos de medición, fueron encontrados los de medida de dos distancias morfológicas y los de aplicación de dos fórmulas (una basada en el peso y otra en la altura). Para las técnicas de verificación del posicionamiento, se encontró: trazado electromagnético, actividad eléctrica del diafragma, detección de CO2, solución de índigo carmín, auscultación del epigastrio, aspiración de secreción gástrica, inspección del color, evaluación de pH, enzimas y bilirrubina. Conclusión: el método de medición que utiliza las medidas de la nariz al lóbulo de la oreja al punto medio entre apéndice xifoideo y cicatriz umbilical, presenta las mejores evidencias. Las ecuaciones basadas en peso y altura necesitan ser comprobadas experimentalmente. El retorno de secreción en la aspiración de la sonda, evaluación del color y del pH de la secreción son indicadores confiables en la identificación del posicionamiento de la sonda gástrica, y son las técnicas actualmente indicadas.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/standards
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 66(4): 363-368, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-787615


Abstract Background and objective: This was a prospective, randomized clinical study to compare the success rate of nasogastric tube insertion by using GlideScopeTM visualization versus direct MacIntosh laryngoscope assistance in anesthetized and intubated patients. Methods: Ninety-six ASA I or II patients, aged 18-70 years were recruited and randomized into two groups using either technique. The time taken from insertion of the nasogastric tube from the nostril until the calculated length of tube had been inserted was recorded. The success rate of nasogastric tube insertion was evaluated in terms of successful insertion in the first attempt. Complications associated with the insertion techniques were recorded. Results: The results showed success rates of 74.5% in the GlideScopeTM Group as compared to 58.3% in the MacIntosh Group (p = 0.10). For the failed attempts, the nasogastric tube was successfully inserted in all cases using rescue techniques. The duration taken in the first attempt for both techniques was not statistically significant; Group A was 17.2 ± 9.3 s as compared to Group B, with a duration of 18.9 ± 13.0 s (p = 0.57). A total of 33 patients developed complications during insertion of the nasogastric tube, 39.4% in Group A and 60.6% in Group B (p = 0.15). The most common complications, which occurred, were coiling, followed by bleeding and kinking. Conclusion: This study showed that using the GlideScopeTM to facilitate nasogastric tube insertion was comparable to the use of the MacIntosh laryngoscope in terms of successful rate of insertion and complications.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivo: Este foi um estudo clínico prospectivo e randômico para comparar a taxa de sucesso da inserção de sonda nasogástrica (NG) com as técnicas de visibilização guiada pelo laringoscópio GlideScope® versus guiada pelo laringoscópio MacIntosh em pacientes anestesiados e intubados. Métodos: Foram recrutados 96, ASA I ou II, entre 18-70 anos, e divididos randomicamente em dois grupos, com uma ou outra técnica. Foi calculado o tempo transcorrido desde a inserção da sonda NG, da narina até a inserção do comprimento calculado da sonda. A taxa de sucesso de inserção da sonda NG foi avaliada quanto à inserção bem-sucedida na primeira tentativa. As complicações associadas às técnicas de inserção foram registradas. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram taxas de sucesso de 74,5% para o grupo GlideScope® em comparação com 58,3% para o grupo MacIntosh (p = 0,10). Para as tentativas que falharam, a sonda NG foi inserida com sucesso em todos os casos, com as técnicas de resgate. A duração da primeira tentativa para ambas as técnicas não foi estatisticamente significativa: 17,2 ± 9,3 segundos no Grupo A e 18,9 ± 13,0 segundos no Grupo B (p = 0,57). No total, 33 pacientes desenvolveram complicações durante a inserção da sonda NG: 39,4% no Grupo A e 60,6% no Grupo B (p = 0,15). As complicações mais comuns ocorridas foram enrolamento, seguido de sangramento e dobradura. Conclusão: Este estudo mostrou que o uso do GlideScope® para facilitar a inserção de sonda nasogástrica foi comparável ao uso do laringoscópio MacIntosh quanto à taxa de sucesso de inserção e às complicações.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Laryngoscopes , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/instrumentation , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Intubation, Intratracheal , Laryngoscopy/methods , Time Factors , Single-Blind Method , Prospective Studies , Equipment Design , Anesthesia , Middle Aged , Nasal Cavity
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 36(4): 98-103, Oct.-Dec. 2015. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-770329


Objective: to evaluate the correlation between the auscultation test and X-ray when detecting the position of an enteral feeding tube. Methods: cross-sectional study in an intensive care unit in southern Brazil, in 2011. Clinical nurse and nurse researcher performed auscultation test recording the impressions regarding the placement of an enteral feeding tube in 80 patients. A doctor evaluated the X-ray. Kappa coefficient and PABAK reviewed the agreements. Results: The X-ray showed that 70% of the enteral tubes were in the stomach, 27.4% in the duodenum, 1.3% in the esophagus, and 1.3% in the right lung. There was a weak correlation between clinical nurses and nurse researchers (PABAK = 0.054; P = 0.103), clinical nurses and X-rays (PABAK = 0.188; P = 0.111) and nurse researchers and X-rays (PABAK = 0.128; P = 0.107) . The auscultation test did not detect two risk conditions, enteral feeding tube in the esophagus and the bronchus. Conclusion: the auscultation test showed little agreement with the X-ray on the enteral feeding tube location.

Objetivo: evaluar la concordancia entre test de ausculta y Rayo-X en la detección del posicionamiento de la sonda enteral. Métodos: estudio transversal en un Centro de Terapia Intensiva del sur de Brasil (2011). Enfermero asistencial y enfermero investigadora realizaron teste de ausculta y registraron sus impresiones en 80 pacientes. Una médica evaluó el Rayo-X. Coeficiente Kappa y PABAK evaluaron las concordancias. Resultados: Rayo-X mostro 70% de las sondas enterales en el estómago, 27,6% en el duodeno, 1,3% en el esófago y 1,3% en el pulmón derecho. Hubo débil concordancia entre enfermero asistencial y enfermero investigadora (PABAK =0,054; P=0,103), enfermero asistencial y Rayo-X (PABAK=0,188; P=0,111) y enfermero investigador y Rayo-X (PABAK =0,128; P=0,107). El teste de ausculta no ha detectado dos condiciones de riesgo, sonda enteral en el esófago y en el bronquio. Conclusión: teste de ausculta se ha mostrado poco concordante con el Rayo-X en la posición de la sonda enteral.

Objetivo: Avaliar a concordância entre o teste de ausculta e o raio-X na detecção do posicionamento da sonda enteral. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em um Centro de Terapia Intensiva do sul do Brasil, em 2011. Enfermeira assistencial e enfermeira pesquisadora realizaram teste de ausculta registrando suas impressões quanto ao posicionamento da sonda enteral em 80 pacientes. Uma médica avaliou o raio-X. Coeficiente Kappa e PABAK avaliaram as concordâncias. Resultados: O raio-X mostrou 70% das sondas enterais no estômago, 27,4% no duodeno, 1,3% no esôfago e 1,3% no pulmão direito. Houve fraca concordância entre enfermeira assistencial e enfermeira pesquisadora (PABAK =0,054; P=0,103), enfermeira assistencial e raio-X (PABAK=0,188; P=0,111) e enfermeira pesquisadora e raio-X (PABAK =0,128; P=0,107). O teste de ausculta não detectou duas condições de risco, sonda enteral no esôfago e no brônquio. Conclusão: O teste de ausculta mostrou-se pouco concordante com o raio-X na localização da sonda enteral.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Enteral Nutrition , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Auscultation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Gastrointestinal Tract
Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 17(2): 278-289, 20150431. tab, ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-832470


Objetivou-se realizar a validação de conteúdo de um instrumento sobre a habilidade em sondagem nasogástrica com base no modelo de validação de conteúdo de Pasquali. Trata-se de estudo metodológico desenvolvido com 23 enfermeiros docentes de instituições públicas de ensino superior do Rio Grande do Norte, por meio da aplicação do Índice de Validação de Conteúdo (IVC) e do índice Kappa. Na avaliação geral, o instrumento obteve IVC com valores acima de 0,75, IVC total de 0,95 e Kappa total de 0,91. No entanto, algumas alterações foram realizadas e se concentraram nos requisitos sequência instrucional dos tópicos, clareza e vocabulário. Desse modo, o instrumento apresentou confiabilidade e fidedignidade para observar a qualidade da assistência de enfermagem e pode ser utilizado por serviços de saúde e instituições formadoras para avaliar a habilidade dos profissionais e alunos de graduação, no entanto exige outras fases para uma validação de conteúdo mais precisa e específica.

The objective was to validate the content of an instrument on nasogastric intubation skills based on Pasquali's model of content validation. This was a methodological study conducted with 23 nursing teachers in public higher education institutions in Rio Grande do Norte. The Content Validation Index (CVI) and Kappa Index was applied. In the overall evaluation, the instrument obtained a CVI with values above 0.75 with a total CVI of 0.95 and a total Kappa of 0.91. However, some changes were made on the instructional sequence requirements of the topics, and to vocabulary. The instrument proved to be reliable and trustworthy in facilitating nursing care quality and can be used for health services and educational institutions to assess skill levels of professionals and undergraduate students. However, the instrument requires additional stages for a more precise and specific content validation.

Humans , Male , Female , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/nursing , Validation Study
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 30(4): 0-0, oct.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CUMED, BDENF | ID: lil-797670


Introdução: a Enfermagem desempenha um papel preponderante, ativo e de responsabilidade crescente no controle da nutrição enteral, uma vez que além de promover sua administração, realiza a vigilância, manutenção e controle da via escolhida e o volume administrado com importante atenção para a prevenção de possíveis complicações. Objetivo: caracterizar as principais falhas relacionadas ao conhecimento e a prática da assistência de enfermagem à pacientes em uso de sonda gastrointestinal, por meio de uma revisão integrativa. Métodos: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura realizada no período de abril a maio de 2013 nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe (LILACS), Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Publicações Médicas (PubMed) e Isi Web of Knowledge, com uso de descritores controlados e não-controlados. Conclusão: a assistência de enfermagem apresentou condutas desfavoráveis que repercutiram de forma negativa no cuidado. Desse modo, evidencia-se a necessidade da implantação de protocolos para utilização durante a formação de recursos humanos em enfermagem, que norteiem a realização da assistência às pessoas alimentadas por sonda(AU)

Introducción: la Enfermería juega un papel importante, activo y creciente en el control de la nutrición integral, así como la promoción de su gestión, monitorización, mantenimiento y control del volumen administrado para la prevención de complicaciones. Objetivo: caracterizar las principales fallas relacionadas al conocimiento y la práctica de la asistencia de enfermería a pacientes sometidos al uso de sonda gastrointestinal. Métodos: revisión integrativa de la literatura realizada en el periodo de abril a mayo de 2013 en las bases de datos Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe (LILACS), Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Publicações Médicas (PubMed) e Isi Web of Knowledge, con el uso de los descriptores controlados y no controlados. Conclusión: la asistencia de enfermería presentó conductas desfavorables que repercutieron de manera negativa en el cuidado. De ese modo, se evidencia la necesidad de la implantación de protocolos para utilización durante la formación de recursos humanos en enfermería, que guíen la realización de la asistencia a las personas alimentadas por sonda(AU)

Introduction: nursing play an important rol in the integral nutrition control. Objective: to characterize the main defects related to the knowledge and the practice of the nursing care regarding patients using gastrointestinal tube, thru an integrative revision. Method: it is an integrative revision of literature performed in the period between April and May of 2013 in the databases Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe (LILACS), Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Publicações Médicas (PubMed) and Isi Web of Knowledge, using controlled and non-controlled descriptors. Conclusion: the nursing care presented unfavorable behaviors that affected the care in a negative way. Thus, it became evident the necessity of the implementation of protocols to be used during the training of human resources in nursing, to guide the performance of the care to people being fed by tube(AU)

Humans , Enteral Nutrition/adverse effects , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Nursing Care/methods , Review Literature as Topic
Acta cir. bras ; 29(8): 528-531, 08/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-719181


PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of copaiba oil administered by different routes on survival of mices subjected to cecal ligation and puncture. METHODS: Thirty two mice were distributed into four study groups (N=8): Sham group: normal standard animals; Control group: submitted a cecal ligation and puncture (CLP); Gavage group: submitted a CLP, and treat with copaiba oil by gavage; and Subcutaneous group: submitted a CLP, and treat with copaiba oil by subcutaneous injection. After the death of the histological analysis were performed. The Kaplan-Meier curves of surviving time were realized. RESULTS: All animals that received copaiba, regardless of the route used, survived longer when compared to the control group (p<0.0001), whereas the survival time ranged from 20 hours for the control group up to 32 hours for the animals of gavage group and 52 for subcutaneous group. The animals that received gavage copaiba lived about and about 20 hours unless the subcutaneous group (p=0.0042). There was no statistical difference when compared the intensity of inflammatory response (p>0.05) CONCLUSION: Prophylactic subcutaneous administration of copaiba in mice subjected to severe sepsis by cecal ligation and puncture, resulted in a survival time higher than non-use or use of this oil by gavage. .

Animals , Male , Mice , Balsams/administration & dosage , Sepsis/drug therapy , Balsams/therapeutic use , Cecum/surgery , Injections, Subcutaneous/methods , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Ligation , Lung/pathology , Models, Animal , Necrosis/pathology , Punctures , Peritoneal Diseases/drug therapy , Random Allocation , Survival Analysis , Time Factors
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 26(2): 107-111, abr.-jun. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-684420


RACIONAL: O correto posicionamento da sonda nasogástrica para nutrição enteral tem sido alvo de várias investigações, demonstrando as controvérsias e a complexidade do procedimento. OBJETIVO: Prever as medidas antropométricas para realizar a inserção de sonda para nutrição enteral até o estômago empregando a esofagogastroduodenoscopia para calcular-se o comprimento necessário até o estômago. MÉTODO: Medidas externas foram obtidas entre a ponta do nariz vs lobo da orelha vs apêndice xifóide vs umbigo e altura correlacionadas com a medida padrão obtida em pacientes submetidos à esofagogastroduodenoscopia diagnóstica. RESULTADOS: Encontrou-se correlação estatisticamente significativa entre a transição esofagogástrica identificada durante a endoscopia, acrescida da distância da rima labial à arcada dentária superior, com a distância compreendida entre os pontos anatômicos lóbulo da orelha e apêndice xifóide (r=0.75). CONCLUSÃO: A distância entre o lóbulo da orelha ao apêndice xifóide (0.75) e a distância entre o lóbulo da orelha ao apêndice xifóide até o ponto médio da cicatriz umbilical, subtraindo a distância da ponta do nariz ao lóbulo da orelha, foram parâmetros anatômicos seguros para estimar-se a distância da transição esofagogástrica. A altura na posição em pé (r = 0,72) também pode ser utilizada como um indicador da distância necessária para inserir o tubo no estômago.

BACKGROUND:The correct placement of a nasogastric tube for enteral nutrition is subject of several investigations, demonstrating the controversy of the procedure. AIM: To establish an external measure that can correspond to the internal measurement which determines the insertion length of nasogastric feeding tube up to the stomach. METHODS: External measures were obtained between points: nose tip vs earlobe vs xiphoid appendix vs umbilicus and height correlated with the standard measures obtained from patients undergoing diagnostic esophagogastroduodenoscopy. RESULTS: It was found a significative statistical correlation between esophagogastric junction, identified during the esophagogastroduodenoscopy, with the distance measured between the anatomic points of the earlobe and xiphoid appendix (r= 0.75) and from this line with the orthostatic height (r=0.72). CONCLUSION: The distance between the earlobe to the xiphoid appendix (0.75) and the distance between the earlobe to the xiphoid appendix to the midpoint of the umbilicus, subtracting the distance from tip of nose to earlobe, were safe anatomical parameters to reach the esophagogastric junction. The height in the standing position (r= 0.72) also can be used as an indicator of the length necessary to insert the tube into the stomach. The height in the standing position (r= 0.72) also can be used as an indicator of the length necessary to insert the tube into the stomach.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Endoscopy, Digestive System , Enteral Nutrition/instrumentation , Enteral Nutrition/methods , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/instrumentation , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Body Weights and Measures , Ear, External , Esophagus , Nose , Prospective Studies , Stomach , Umbilicus , Xiphoid Bone
EMHJ-Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2013; 19 (Supp. 3): S194-S197
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-128682


It is sometimes difficult to insert a nasogastric tube in an anaesthetized patient. We evaluated the benefit of reinforcing the distal portion of the nasogastric tube with a Nelaton catheter: 8 and 10 French Nelaton catheters were inserted into 16 and 18 French nasogastric tubes respectively through the first proximal holes of tubes up to their tips. The patients anaesthetized were randomly allocated into either the control or the Nelaton groups, and nasogastric tube was inserted as deeply as the catheter length, then the catheter was withdrawn and the tube was inserted farther to reach the stomach. Eighty patients [40 in each group] were included in this study. The success rate of nasogastric tube insertion was 90% in the Nelaton group and 57% in the control group [P = 0.001]. The mean insertion time was 80 [SD 43] and 92 [SD 35] seconds in the Nelaton and the control groups respectively

Humans , Male , Female , Catheterization/instrumentation , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Esophagus/surgery
Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology [The]. 2012; 18 (2): 95-98
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-118270


Decompression of malignant gastrointestinal obstructions is an uncommon indication for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy [PEG] tubes. The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of venting PEG tubes in relieving nausea and vomiting and assessing complications associated with tube placement. This study is a retrospective chart review of patients with PEG tubes placed to decompress malignant gastrointestinal obstructions between January 2005 and September 2010 by the gastroenterology service at our institute. Patient demographics, symptom relief, procedural complications, diet tolerability and home palliation were reviewed. Seven PEG tubes were inserted to decompress malignant gastrointestinal obstructions. The mean patient age was 62 years [range 37-82 years]. The underlying primary malignancies were small intestine [1], appendiceal [1], pancreatic [2], and colon [3] cancer. Gastric outlet obstruction was present in 3 [43%] patients while small bowel obstruction occurred in 4 [57%] patients. There was relief of nausea and vomiting in 6 [86%] patients. Procedural complications were present in 1 [14%] patient and involved superficial cellulitis followed by peristomal leakage. Patients with gastric outlet obstruction continued to have limited oral intake while patients with small bowel obstruction tolerated varying degrees of oral nutrition. Six [86%] patients were discharged home after PEG tube placement, but only 2 [33%] were able to undergo end-stage palliation at home without re-admission for hospital palliation. Venting PEG tubes significantly reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting in patients with metastatic gastrointestinal obstruction due to primary gastrointestinal malignancies. Complications associated with tube placement were minimal

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Male , Female , Intestinal Obstruction/surgery , Intestinal Obstruction/etiology , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Palliative Care/methods , Retrospective Studies , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/instrumentation , Gastrostomy/instrumentation , Treatment Outcome
JCPSP-Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. 2012; 22 (7): 419-423
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-144293


To assess ventilatory characteristics and airway complications associated with the use of I-gel in patients undergoing gynaecological surgeries. Experimental study. Department of Anaesthesiology, Surgical Intensive Care Unit and Pain Management, Civil Hospital, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, from July 2008 to June 2009. One hundred adult female patients aged 15 - 75 years, ASA-I and II scheduled for elective gynaecologic surgical procedures under general anaesthesia with controlled ventilation were included in this study. After insertion of device, ease of insertion, time of insertion, peak airway pressure, leak pressure were noted. After proper placement of device, gastric tube was also passed in every patient. Pharyngolaryngeal morbidities [sore throat, dysphagia, dysphonia, neck pain and coughing at 1 hour and 24 hours postoperatively] were also noted. I-gel was inserted in the first attempt in 92% patients while second attempt was required in 8% of patients. Average time of insertion was 9.68 +/- 2.69 seconds. Average leak pressure of 22.48 +/- 2.07 cm H[2]O. After removal of I-gel no blood staining was found on any device. Coughing was noted in 6% patients after removal of device and mild sore throat was noted in only one patient after 24 hours of surgery. I-gel is a simple and easy to use supraglottic airway device. Its insertion do not require laryngoscopy and airway can be maintained in very short time in adult female patients

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/instrumentation , Respiration, Artificial , Intubation, Intratracheal/methods , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Elective Surgical Procedures , Device Removal
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-112471


OBJECTIVE: To retrospectively evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of three-tube insertion for the treatment of postoperative gastroesophageal anastomotic leakage (GEAL). MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 2007 to January 2011, 28 cases of postoperative GEAL after an esophagectomy with intrathoracic esophagogastric anastomotic procedures for esophageal and cardiac carcinoma were treated by the insertion of three tubes under fluoroscopic guidance. The three tubes consisted of a drainage tube through the leak, a nasogastric decompression tube, and a nasojejunum feeding tube. The study population consisted of 28 patients (18 males, 10 females) ranging in their ages from 36 to 72 years (mean: 59 years). We evaluated the feasibility of three-tube insertion to facilitate leakage site closure, and the patients' nutritional benefit by checking their serum albumin levels between pre- and post-enteral feeding via the feeding tube. RESULTS: The three tubes were successfully placed under fluoroscopic guidance in all twenty-eight patients (100%). The procedure times for the three tube insertion ranged from 30 to 70 minutes (mean time: 45 minutes). In 27 of 28 patients (96%), leakage site closure after three-tube insertion was achieved, while it was not attained in one patient who received stent implantation as a substitute. All patients showed good tolerance of the three-tube insertion in the nasal cavity. The mean time needed for leakage treatment was 21 +/- 3.5 days. The serum albumin level change was significant, increasing from pre-enteral feeding (2.5 +/- 0.40 g/dL) to post-enteral feeding (3.7 +/- 0.51 g/dL) via the feeding tube (p < 0.001). The duration of follow-up ranged from 7 to 60 months (mean: 28 months). CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this study, the insertion of three tubes under fluoroscopic guidance is safe, and also provides effective relief from postesophagectomy GEAL. Moreover, our findings suggest that three-tube insertion may be used as the primary procedure to treat postoperative GEAL.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anastomosis, Surgical , Anastomotic Leak/diagnostic imaging , Decompression, Surgical/instrumentation , Drainage/instrumentation , Enteral Nutrition/instrumentation , Esophageal Neoplasms/surgery , Esophagectomy , Fluoroscopy , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Postoperative Complications/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Interventional/methods , Retrospective Studies , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery
Neumol. pediátr ; 6(2): 72-74, 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-708206


The central nervous system damage is associated with a major dysfunction of gastrointestinal tract, whose magnitude is variable. The rehabilitation of disabled children should be confronted by a multi-professional team and beginning the most early as possible, with the aim of impacting so positive on morbidity and mortality associated with their condition. Enteral nutrition is a valuable tool when the indication is right, the first approach is to establish the form of food safer and less expensive according to the clinical circumstances of each case. When the nutritional rehabilitation can be achieved in the short term, the nutrition through probes both gastric as post-pyloric, are alternative for quick and easy access, often in stages prior to establish definitive food routes.

El daño del sistema nervioso central se asocia a una disfunción importante del tracto gastrointestinal, cuya magnitudes variable. La rehabilitación del niño discapacitado debe ser enfrentada por un equipo multiprofesional e iniciada lo más precozmente posible, con el objetivo de impactar de manera positiva en la morbimortalidad asociada a su condición. La nutrición enteral es una herramienta valiosa cuando la indicación es la adecuada, la primera aproximación es establecer la forma de alimentación más segura y menos costosa de acuerdo a las condiciones clínicas de cada caso. Cuando la rehabilitación nutricional se puede alcanzar en un corto plazo, la nutrición a través de sondas tanto gástricas como post pilóricas, son alternativas de fácil y rápido acceso, en muchas ocasiones en etapas previas a establecer rutas de alimentación definitivas.

Humans , Child , Nervous System Diseases/complications , Intubation, Gastrointestinal/methods , Enteral Nutrition/methods , Esophageal Motility Disorders/therapy , Nervous System Diseases/therapy , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Enteral Nutrition/adverse effects , Patient Selection , Pylorus , Esophageal Motility Disorders/etiology